Tuesday, 10 May 2011


I thought my next post would be on a topic I'd decided to write on since a long time and took a lot of prep... but life inspires you in so many different and unexpected ways (even though this is relatively miniature compared to other scenarios) and it's inspired me to write this impulsive article.

Young adults getting into relationships nowadays in the Indian scene is very common; in the suburban areas too. Most of them are in it because 'the others' are in it. This is seriously laughable and makes me so SO angry at times that I have to literally count backwards starting from some large random number to calm myself down! They need their parents' support in many ways while in college and it's not right to hide being in a relationship from parents (which most do). Seems like they have all the time in the world to devote to this so called 'relationship' but no time to learn (I won't say study: it's not what we should do). Most of them do NOT have the strong mindset which is a much needed and important prerequisite for a relationship. This, then leads to break-ups... destroying friendships, making it uneasy for mutual friends to spend time just because of two people. No matter how much the two people say it's okay and that they're 'moving on' it'll never be the same, ever again. If there's one thing I've observed over the past 3 years it's that things never are finished with an ex and always lead to mental imbalance and stress- ultimately disrupting all the plans one might have had for him/herself for his/her career or whatever. People tend to forget the world when they're in relationships... do things out of the ordinary- unnecessary things- for the other. They forget who brought them into this world, who loves them the most... I personally think if anyone faces a problem of this sort, it'd be best to talk to the mother. I'm not saying fathers aren't a good idea but mothers have an upper hand. It seems as though they see right through the problem and set it right for their child in no time (This comes from the numerous discussions I've had with my own mother!).
If two people are genuinely interested in each other why not test their love and wait it out till they're independent and are able to handle things on their own? Why the urgency? Why not talk directly to the guy's or girl's parents like civilized people and avoid all misunderstandings? Parents will definitely see the love through. If it's real they won't object it. After all they too want their child to be happy, in the end. I don't think religion should interfere. It's very easy to say this, I know but that's what I believe. You fall in love with a person. Not with his/her religion or anything else. It's silly how a couple can fight over silly issues of naming of a child or the traditional ceremonies in their respective religions etc. If one's sensible enough, all these diminutive problems will be avoided. The world and the couple's relationship will be all the more better!
If religion does pose a problem though, it's just that the elders need convincing. It's all about convincing and patience (you might be thinking what the heck does this guy know?! talks as if he's a pro! Indeed, I'm no pro but this sort comes from situations I've seen and hear people discuss in my family). On the other hand, if it's one way traffic (I think you know what I mean!) there's no rush needed. The focus should be on one's career for the time being, say until graduation and then approach the parents' of the person you like and talk it out. Nobody would want their child to spend their life with a useless bum! (referring to guys here, of course:)). If the person you like isn't ready for all this use it to your benefit and build yourself, achieve things, make your parents proud. They should matter first! If the person's really meant for you, you will be united without doubt. Faith is the deciding factor. I hope this helps all the people who want to find the right mate or who knows who the right mate is but the timing's just not right at the moment (I really do sound like a grandpa LOL).

The Son of God is in your face
Offering us eternal grace
If you want it you've got to believe
'Cause being free is just a state of mind
Just put your faith in God
And one day you'll see it

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